150 Years Stronger Patient Story Deanna

Magical Healing Touch for Deanna

By Deanna, a Children's National Hospital patient

150 Years Stronger Patient Story Deanna

Six years ago, I was diagnosed with chronic head pain. In doctor talk, that means “your head hurts, and we’re not exactly sure why or how long it will last, but we’ll do everything we can to make you feel better.”

My situation has forced me to grow up in ways I never wanted. I missed being a kid. I’ve cried a lot, but I’ve also learned to cope. When my migraines were first diagnosed, I saw different neurologists and took over-the-counter painkillers and even narcotics. I couldn’t read or concentrate. Nothing helped until the day I met a nurse named Marian in the Pain Medicine Care Complex at Children’s National Hospital. She and the Healing Touch program changed everything. As part of this holistic therapy, she directs energy into my body with a very light touch to promote healing.

I don’t exactly understand how it works, but afterwards, I feel like I can conquer the world. Her touch wipes away negative thoughts and sadness and fills me with positive energy—it’s like magic. It makes me feel like I can keep living.

Another part of the program involves music. Ms. Victoria, the musician, plays the harp and puts it on my back to vibrate negative energy away. She tells my body that it’s okay to let the pain go. Feeling that energy and hearing the harp’s beautiful strumming fills me with euphoria.

I’m am so grateful for everyone at the pain clinic — from Nurse Marian and Ms. Victoria to the acupuncturist, doctors and staff. It’s hard to put into words how much they’ve helped me. In a way I feel grateful to my migraines. I would never have never met such amazing people without them. I don’t know where I’d be without their help.

A young patient at Children's National Hospital.

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