Generosity Sparks Breakthroughs
It fuels the Children’s National Research Institute’s work to unlock the secrets of childhood illnesses. You can help us deliver more effective treatments and cures. Together, we can save lives and deliver lifetimes.

John's Story
John’s daughter was diagnosed with lymphoma. She was the first patient to enroll in a particular immunotherapy clinical trial, and it was successful. John says, “If there is a silver lining to her lymphoma story, it’s that she opened a door that might one day help save another child’s life.”
In This Section

The Lead in Peds
On our podcast, world-class experts at Children’s National discuss innovations in pediatric healthcare.

Children's National Research Institute
We are leaders in children's health research. Generous donations advance the frontiers of knowledge and transform care.

Surgical Innovation
Your support has a direct impact on our ability to offer less invasive surgeries and send children home sooner.

Research & Innovation Campus
Our new campus is a global hub for the future of children's health. It is designed to harness innovation and collaboration. Partners include Virginia Tech and Johnson & Johnson Innovation.

Telehealth and Global Medicine
Thanks to philanthropy, our telehealth program helps keep kids, families and staff safe. It also helps families stay connected and expands care to children around the world.

Prenatal Pediatrics Institute
Your generosity supports cutting-edge care for expectant families so babies can have the best start in life.
Patients and families with rare conditions deserve to be treated in a place with the medical knowledge to provide quick, clear answers and the expert care they need.
Marshall Summar, MD
Previous Director, Children's National Rare Disease Institute