Why donate to a pediatric hospital?
Your donation to our nonprofit institution makes it possible for us to provide exceptional, compassionate care for children. Generous philanthropy also advances our work to find new treatments and cures.
Discover our many ways to give, and select the option that’s best for you. Each one makes a difference.
More Ways to Give

Establish a Charitable Gift Annuity
Your gift earns you income and supports our mission to help every child grow up stronger.

Boost Your Impact Through Employer Gift Matching
Your employer may match your charitable donation. Find your company’s form and give now.

Explore Corporate Opportunities
Allow us to customize a program that will mean the most to your company, employees and customers. When you partner with us, you improve the health and well-being of children in the Washington, DC area and beyond.

Designate a Beneficiary
It’s easy to name Children’s National as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy, commercial annuity or brokerage account.

Participate in the Combined Federal Campaign
Federal employees and retirees can support Children’s National through their workplace giving campaign. Our charity code is 65105 and EIN is 530196580.

Endowed Gift
Make a gift that creates a legacy. It will provide funding today and ensure that Children’s National has the resources for future pediatric breakthroughs.

Start a Fundraiser
Rally friends and family to raise money for Children’s National. Create a fundraiser that celebrates exceptional care or honors a special someone. No experience necessary!

Honor a Loved One
Create a fundraiser in honor of a loved one to share with family or friends. Or, make a one-time gift by clicking the donate button above.

Donate Items for Patients
Dr. Bear's Closet accepts new items that we give to patients and families during their hospital stay to provide comfort and meaningful distractions.

Make a Gift of Real Estate
Your generous gift of all or part of your property to Children’s National helps advance pediatric care and has tax benefits.

Create a Life Income Trust
Support our mission, receive tax benefits and collect income with a charitable remainder trust or charitable lead trust.

Donate a Vehicle
When you gift a car, boat, motorcycle or RV, proceeds from the sale help us meet patients’ greatest needs. Our partner, Kids Car Donations, offers fast, free, convenient pick up.