A Black female elementary school aged patient receives support from her mother.

Strengthen Our Community

Healthy, safe beginnings to help kids learn, play and thrive

A Black female elementary school aged patient receives support from her mother.

Strong, Healthy Families Lead to Strong, Healthy Communities

Philanthropy enables us to tackle the national mental health crisis and racial health injustices that weigh on D.C. families. It helps us reach expecting parents who strive to give their babies stronger starts. Community generosity keeps kids healthy as they grow, learn and play.

Photo of an elementary school aged patient sitting in a diner.

Dajasha's Story

Dajasha is a second-generation Children’s National patient. Her mom, Christena, brings Dajasha to us for primary, specialty and emergency care. Despite having asthma and alopecia, she is happy and healthy, says Christena. “She’s always on the go — talking, moving and exploring, just like a kid should be.”

In This Section

A behavioral health professional at Children's National lead three early-childhood aged girls, one Black and two White, in a therapeutic activity.

Behavioral and Mental Health

America’s pediatric mental health crisis is worsening with the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. Our behavioral and mental health specialists are tackling this crisis with expert, compassionate care for children and families across our region.

An infant and their mother clap their hands.T

The Clark Parent & Child Network

The Clark Parent & Child Network gives moms and dads early support to help kids bloom. Our goal: remove racial health barriers so families get stronger with first-rate primary and mental health care.

Three elementary school aged children hold up a fourth child in victory.

The Fight for Children Sports Medicine Center

Young athletes need expert care and training to keep them in the game. Your support helps kids recover, build skills and be their own champions.

Kids can't choose their parents, their insurance or even their pediatricians. But they all deserve the same access, quality and experience of care — the best. Children are our most important investment in the future.

Mark Weissman, MD

Executive Medical Director, PHN

Learn more about Mark Weissman, MD(External website)