Serena and Pryce Resized

Keeping Pryce Safe and Healthy

By Serena, a Children's National parent

Serena and Pryce Resized

Children’s National saved my son’s life in 2016. Pryce was born at a local hospital that experienced a water contamination emergency. Two babies in their NICU passed away. Emergency transport brought my son to Children’s National immediately after birth. I stayed behind to recover from a C-section.

The medical staff kept him safe and healthy until I could get there. If he had not transferred, he might have gotten sick, or worse. They communi­cated with me throughout and reas­sured me that my baby was OK. When I finally got there, the staff taught me how to feed, bathe and comfort him. This made me feel less afraid. I was a first-time mom on my own. They also prepared me for the urology surgery he would have a few months later.

I am forever grateful for the love and care we experienced at Children’s National. Today, Pryce is a healthy 6-year-old who loves to draw. You’d never know his birth was so traumatic.

A young patient at Children's National Hospital.

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