ChildFocused Care is Right Thing to Do CEO Tells Business Leaders
On Oct. 29, Dr. Kurt Newman, president and CEO of Children’s National, discussed the business of pediatrics at a luncheon for members of the Economic Club. “The Affordable Care Act is driving us to focus more on outcomes, to reduce the cost of care, and keep patients healthy through a medical home," he said. "We need to change the business model for healthcare to incentivize keeping kids out of the ER….Healthy children mean parents don’t have to take time off or leave their jobs to care for their child. Healthy kids grow up to be part of a healthier workforce, which lowers healthcare costs for employers and families alike.”
He also explained how children’s hospitals in particular need philanthropic support and partnerships. “All children’s hospitals need help to provide the very things that make them different than adult hospitals,” he said. “Child-focused care requires wraparound services like art and music therapy, child-friendly environments, and a high provider-to-patient ratio, for example. These programs drive higher costs, but it’s the right thing to do.”