Milagros para Ninos Honors Mothers Raises 30000 for Children
Arcelia Perez represents more than 54,000 Latino mothers whose children are treated at Children’s National each year. She was recognized at the as a “Mama Milagrosa” (Miraculous Mom) for being strong and resilient in the face of her children’s adversity. Her husband, Jesus, and children Marely, Joshua, Maria Fernanda, and Yahaira joined her at the event. Milagros para Ninos, a new initiative to further engage the Latino community in raising awareness and funds for children’s health, raised nearly $30,000 at its first event on May 16. Led by a Latino Advisory Committee representing business and community leaders, Milagros para Ninos is building visibility about the need for free wellness and diagnostic screenings, research, public education about important health issues, and philanthropic support for Children’s National. The breakfast was held at the Embassy of Mexico’s cultural landmark, the Mexican Cultural Institute, and honored the strength and resilience of the 300,000 mothers and caregivers whose children were treated through the Children’s National Health System, including the hospital, outpatient clinics, and community programs. “As a community, we have a collective responsibility for all kids, especially Latino children,” said Denice Cora-Bramble, MD, MBA, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Ambulatory and Community Health Services, and Senior Vice President of the Goldberg Center for Community Pediatric Health at Children’s National. “We need to ensure that children receive the kind of care and treatment that gives them chance for a full childhood and a productive adulthood.” The Latino Advisory Committee of Milagros para Ninos presented two awards to leaders in the Latino health community. The Community Leadership Award was given to Roxana Olivas, director of the Mayor’s Office on Latino Affairs, for her achievements in advancing the Latino community in Washington. The committee presented the Outstanding Caregiver Award to Children’s National Health System’s Maria T. Acosta, MD, for outstanding care, her dedication to children and families, and her role in developing the Milagros para Ninos initiative.
View photos from the event.