Helping Children Worldwide Through Telemedicine
At a thank-you tea on Oct. 29, 65 loyal Children’s National donors gathered at the Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Md., and learned about how Children's National is making a difference for children around the world.
Craig Sable, MD, Director of Echocardiography and Telemedicine at Children’s National, discussed how philanthropy is helping the telemedicine program reach children regionally, nationally, and internationally. The program uses electronic and telecommunications technology to serve community hospitals, suburban health centers, inner-city health clinics, hospitals throughout the United States, and international partners across a wide range of pediatric specialties including neurology, genetics, radiology, and surgery.
“Children’s National has partners in 19 countries and 21 U.S. states,” Dr. Sable said. “In just 12 years, we’ve had 13,000 patient consultations and have provided guidance to children’s hospitals globally.” In addition, Children's National has advanced distance learning initiatives, sharing knowledge with physicians and students wherever they are. Children’s National collaborates with many countries throughout the world, including the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Iraq, Morocco, Germany, Uganda.