Seeing Healthcare through a Child’s Eyes: The Dream Clinic
A new phlebotomy space ensures that each child may have labs drawn in privacy, while an improved team center allows doctors to consult with colleagues, enter and search for electronic data, and track patient progress simultaneously. A cutting-edge chemistry analyzer expedites each and every visit so that families can get results back sooner. Infusion pods painted in themes of “space,” “garden,” and “jungle” distract and entertain while nurses provide life-saving chemotherapy. There are even treasure maps available so children can search for hidden objects embedded in the murals while they wait. “Every one of the 225 new cancer patients diagnosed at Children’s National this year will have an easier road because of your support and dedication,” Blalack said. “All of these changes guarantee that the young patients and families treated at Children’s National will not only receive the very best medical care available, but that it will be provided in the most supportive way we know how. Now patients, families, and providers can focus on the most important task in front of them: beating cancer.”