Guardian Society: Protecting Generations of Children

He then introduced Dr. Catherine Bollard, pioneer in the field of immunotherapies and director of Children’s National’s Program for Cell Enhancement and Technologies for Immunotherapy. As experts in cell therapies, her team’s research has the potential to revolutionize the way we treat cancer and other viruses. Specifically, she is focused on T-cell therapy, which trains naturally occurring T-cells in the body to kill the cancer without the toxic side effects associated with traditional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. “Children’s National is one of the few hospitals in the world to offer cellular therapy to treat life-threatening infections in patients with immune deficiencies," said Dr. Bollard, "as well as preventing or treating relapse in children with cancer. T-cell therapy tackles the immediate problem and also aims to protect patients for the rest of their lives.” For more information about planned giving and The Guardian Society, contact Cindy Barrington.