Employees Support Children's National Mission by Giving $1 Million+
The I Care. I Share. campaign celebrated the end of another year of generous employee giving with announcing $1,065,000 raised for Children’s National in 2014. The announcement was made at a campaign leader appreciation lunch on Feb. 20 on the main campus at Children’s National.
The 2014 campaign highlighted how employees make a difference for the kids not only by providing care and medical services to patients and families, but also by creating a healing environment and making Children's National a home away from home for families. The campaign demonstrated how patients received hope, relief, a friend, a chance to play, a chance to win, and a way home.
“Our employee giving program highlights Children’s National as a leader among its peers,” Dr. Kurt Newman, president and CEO, told the campaign leaders. “It allows us to recruit the best and brightest, it sets us apart when submitting funding proposals, and it engages the employees in our mission.” View photos of the campaign kickoff in November and the appreciation lunch in February.