Corporate Champions: Taking Care of Kids is Everyone’s Business

Since Children’s National was founded in 1870, we have relied on the leadership, involvement, and generosity of individuals and organizations to support our mission. Support from national and local corporations helps more children get access to the care they need and advances our work in care, research, and cures for children.
To express our appreciation to our corporate supporters, Children’s National has created the Champions for Every Child program to honor corporations that donate at least $25,000 annually. On May 10, the first Champions for Every Child celebration welcomed the inaugural members of this generous group. The program provides members with exclusive benefits and elevated recognition through engagement opportunities for their company leadership and employees, corporate networking opportunities, and prominent visibility in the Washington area.
Miriam Selman, director of corporate partnerships for Children’s National, said, “We are extremely grateful for the contributions of the corporate community that have allowed Children’s National to improve the health of children today and pursue the cures of tomorrow.”
At the event, Dr. Tony Sandler, senior vice president and surgeon-in-chief of the Joseph E. Robert, Jr. Center for Surgical Care and the Diane and Norman Bernstein Professor of Pediatric Surgery, thanked the honorees for their generous support of Children’s National. “We thank our corporate partners for all the ways in which they support Children’s National. You make a difference every day in the care we provide to children in our community and beyond.”
Corporations support children and families through event sponsorships, cause-marketing campaigns, workplace giving, employee volunteering, charitable donations, and other ways. Learn more about our corporate partners and ways to get involved.